Indigenous Engagement

Collaborating with Indigenous peoples at all project stages.​

Working collaboratively with Indigenous peoples in all stages of a project is a critical component of successful project execution. Canacre understands the importance of building relationships and trust with Indigenous peoples and working with Indigenous nations to identify their rights and interests and how these may be impacted by activities on the lands where they exercise their rights. We assist infrastructure developers and constructors in working collaboratively with Indigenous nations using a variety of approaches tailored to the distinct community. Additionally, Canacre works with Indigenous clients, supporting Indigenous nations with infrastructure development and navigating the associated regulatory process. ​

Our team has extensive experience engaging Indigenous nations during various stages of project planning, development, and construction. Canacre’s team works with Indigenous groups to facilitate discussions and mutual learning to create a common understanding of project activities and the potential environmental and social impacts. ​

Our team ensures that the outcomes from engagement activities are meaningfully included in project planning and supports the development of mitigation measures in collaboration with Indigenous groups.

Indigenous Engagement Services

  • Directed Consultation and Engagement with Indigenous Communities ​

  • Design and Delivery of Indigenous Engagement Strategies and Programs Tailored to Projects and Communities ​

  • Issues Identification and Tracking and Collaborative Development of Mitigation Strategies for Issues Identified ​

  • Regulatory Process and Permitting Support for Indigenous Led Projects

  • Facilitation of Discussions Between Proponents and Indigenous groups Regarding Economic Participation in Project Activities ​

  • Facilitation of Indigenous Knowledge and Land Use Studies ​

  • Records of Communication Tracking​

Let’s Take your Project to the Next Level.

We believe great projects start with great conversations. Book a call with us to see how Canacre can help you achieve your project goals.

(800) 645-0093

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